The A-List understands that each individual student learns differently. And sometimes, this means a departure from traditional, on-campus, school settings to homeschooling. The A-List can provide one-on-one, full-time schooling in all subject areas. We work with students in various situations – whether the student is on medical leave, in a therapeutic or rehab setting, or the student/family has chosen to leave their current school mid-year – whatever the case, we are able to accommodate most any situation with our incredible staff and access to curricula. Here are two types of models families often choose from – but again, our programs are entirely customizable.

1) Model 1:

Teachers will use the existing distance learning curriculum from the school in which your child is currently enrolled. In these programs, teachers can do as much or as little as you want -- from supervising students' school Zoom class, to assisting with homework, and enriching the curriculum through creative hands-on activities such as science experiments, art projects, and even field trips. 

2) Model 2:

Teachers will develop a homeschool curriculum that is designed entirely by us. This customized program is highly specialized and tailored to your students' needs, passions, and interests. In addition, this program requires an extremely experienced classroom teacher.