Not only are our SAT/ACT tutors experienced, reliable, and passionate, THEY GET RESULTS. Because our services are highly individualized, and we don’t have to adhere to a standard curriculum, our students and their tutors can truly focus on the areas that need improvement.

The A-List will administer diagnostic SATs and/or ACTs to determine the ideal path for you child. We’re also happy to use PSAT and PACT scores to help you make that decision.

Diagnostic exams are always free and can be scheduled by calling or emailing us. You will receive a comprehensive score report, and we will spend additional time discussing the right approach for the rest of your child’s tutoring. This will include a discussion regarding your child’s undergraduate “path,” and what scores he needs to achieve his goals.

  • There is no minimum session requirement

  • We offer flexible and affordable packages

  • A la carte tutoring is also available if a package isn’t right for you

Our pricing is not only competitive, it’s AFFORDABLE. We use the same materials that other top test prep tutoring companies use at a fraction of the price. Whether your child is stronger in the math and/or verbal sections or whether they need a boost in both areas, our highly personalized programs will give your child exactly what they need to raise their scores and their confidence.